Daily reflections, bible studies, movies, children's videos and so much more are available on a subscription service provided by our two parishes. Go to formed.org/signup and enter 53189 zip code, St Paul with a Waukesha address should appear, click on that. You will be prompted to enter your email. Within an hour or so, you will find a message from Formed in your mailbox, open it and start watching!
Give yourself the gift of a silent weekend away. Retreats are scheduled regularly, see website: www.redemptoristretreat.org.
Formed.org SEARCH daily reflections (SIGN IN, top right, enter as part of a parish/organization, use code 274255)
USCCB daily readings, to read or to listen also a daily reflections video
Bishop Barron
Blessed is She
Jesuit Daily Prayer sign up for daily email or install the app
St Louis University
Creighton University
Every Sacred Sunday (Instagram)
Two Guys and a Gospel podcast
These are resources you can order for individual use:
Living Faith
Every Sacred Sunday (Also on Instagram)
Exploring Sunday Readings
The Word Among Us (web edition included for free)
Workbook for lectors
In the letter of St James, we hear: Humbly welcome the Word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls. Be doers of the word and not hearers only. We hear the Scriptures proclaimed at our liturgies. What do we DO with that Word? How about joining a small faith sharing group? Many use Scripture or other spiritual readings or videos to reflect on and discuss. How often do you talk about God’s word with others? DO check out the small groups listed below that you may want to join:
A couple of small groups already meeting are starting up again and you are welcome to join us:
Please check back later this year for 2024 group dates, times and course descriptions.
ROOTED Women’s Group
St Bruno
1st Wednesday of the month, 6:30 PM
Ellen Knaflic 262-689-7938
Aimee Daniels 262-993-4003
Attention all Men!
St.Bruno Men's Holy Name Society will begin its 2024 semester on September 12 and will continue for the next 13 Thursday mornings in the parish Gathering Space. *Session concludes December 12, 2024.
Breakfast begins at 5:30 with the program starting at 6:00 am and finishing promptly at 7:00. All men are welcome.
Give it a try! Share and grow in your faith, meet new men--and some old ones--enjoy a great breakfast and most importantly, grow closer to God.
Contact Jerry Strand, 262-844-2988 (jerrystrand52@yahoo.com)