Have you had a loved one die? If you need to talk to someone, please contact our office at 262-965-2332. We will have a member of our St. Bruno Circle of Life Bereavement Ministry reach out to you - we are here to help!
The Witness of the Good Samaritan: Palliative Care & Hospice
Caring for Loved Ones at Life's End
Catholic Considerations for Our Earthly Passing
St. Bruno Parish
Circle of Life Bereavement Ministry
(Established 1999)
The mission of the Circle of Life Bereavement Ministry is to reach out,
in consolation, to all members of the faith community of St. Bruno Parish
to support those who are grieving,
so that no one will ever feel alone.
The introduction to the Order of Christian Funerals states:
“The responsibility for the ministry of consolation
rests with the believing community,
which heeds the words and example of our Lord Jesus,
‘Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be consoled.’ (Mt. 5:3)”
The Circle of Life Ministry…
Plans and organizes the liturgy for the Mass of Remembrance in November.
(Started 2000)
Sets up and decorates Table of Remembrance/Altarcito and Angel Board.
(Started 2015)
Sends invitations to all parishioners to inform them of the Mass of Remembrance.
Makes angel ornaments for all attendees at the Mass -
in memory of those who have died.
Prepares and serves a luncheon after the Mass of Remembrance.
Helps at funerals as requested and needed.
Sends sympathy cards to parish members when a loved one dies.
Sends cards on the anniversary of the death to families of loved ones.
Submits a monthly list to bulletin editor of those who have died.
Provides written material and resources to help those who are mourning.
Facilitates Bereavement Sessions in Spring-Summer. (Started 2014)
Future Goals of the Circle of Life Ministry…
Continue with activities described above
Become more involved in planning and assisting at funerals
Keep in contact with families who have lost loved ones
Compile information on Bereavement Ministries of neighboring parishes
Encourage other parishes to offer Grief Support Groups
Sandy Mayernick
Peggy Knepprath
Pam Weiss
Members: Joan Fitzsimmons,
Betty Igl, Joanne Lurvey, Carmela Matysiak, Joyce Narr
(In memory of our dear deceased member, Carol Dapp.)