During the Lenten season we observe certain practices of sacrifice and self-denial as an offering to God and as good spiritual training for this race we are engaged in called life. These things are good for us but they should not remain only in Lent. In fact, we should always be about working towards a complete surrender of ourselves to the will of God.
Jesus taught that unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it cannot bear fruit. It will remain the same always and will not lead to any type of growth. We are the grains of wheat that need to die to ourselves in order to be born again. However, many of us are the same today as last Lent and the many Lents before that. We have not moved forward to a more mature faith that makes it possible for us to be transformed.
Surrender is not easy. But we need to see our observance of Lent as a way to move forward. No athlete lifts the same weight forever.No dieter finds satisfaction in losing the same 5 pounds year after year. We must work to always be moving toward holiness. This is the commitment of an everyday steward. We are called to pray more today than yesterday. We are called to give more today than yesterday. We are called to love more today than yesterday.
Standing still is not an option. Our God is calling us to grow in our discipleship and stewardship for the benefit of our souls and the health of the Body of Christ. May this Lent be a time of moving forward and may we all draw ever closer to our God who calls us to leave it all behind and follow Him.