Thanksgiving Day Is Coming!
Thanksgiving will be here before you know it, and you will soon be saying, “Pass me the mashed potatoes, please.” This November holiday has its roots in American history and has grown into a day where we remember all the things for which we are thankful: country, family, friends, health, etc. Unfortunately, we can find ourselves so caught up with travel plans and buying the perfect turkey or ham that we let the day pass us by, and all we can focus on is how much we ate and who won the day’s football games. That’s why it is time NOW to begin reflecting daily of all things, great and small, that we are thankful for in life.
Gratitude is a key characteristic of a good Everyday Steward, but it does not develop in us without effort. In the coming days, we can contemplate all those things God has given us. If it helps, we can create a written list and bring it with us to the Thanksgiving dinner table. The point is that too often we take so many gifts for granted, and unless we pause and purposely reflect, we miss the chance to give thanks. A healthy and hearty heart filled with gratitude can make the highs in life that much higher and the lows easier to bear. Increased gratitude will also bring us closer to the source of all those good gifts, our God.
So, what will Thanksgiving be like for you this year? You have some time to make it something more than it has been in the past. The choice is yours.