A few days ago, my iphone gave me a weekly message: “Last week, your total screen time was down 17%.” I thought, good for me! But the message continued: “You averaged 5 hours and 23 minutes of screen time.” Yikes. Where do we place our attention? The Prophet Isaiah says, “For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” God wants us to be His learners, people who grow through a steady stream of divine instruction. But if you’re like me, you spend way too much time at the feet of the wrong teachers. Our phones can help fruitfully re-direct our attention. It’s amazing how many great Catholic Bible studies, classes, podcasts, and soul-forming material is accessible there. This coming new year let’s use our phones to be a little “Zion” or “Jerusalem” — a place we go for wisdom and instruction, and not just endless data and entertainment. New year challenge: Grab your phone. Start consuming some source of Catholic instruction each week to help you become a better student of Jesus. Keep it going into 2023. If our screen time helps us learn true wisdom, it will be a great use of time. — Father John Muir