Being a disciple of Christ naturally leads into Stewardship. These linked realities, discipleship and stewardship, make up the fabric of a Christian life rooted in our Lord. We recognize that everything we have is a gift from God, to be used for the purpose of sharing those gifts with others.
Here at St. Bruno we do well in creating a welcoming faith community that welcomes and makes believers and unbelievers know they
belong with us. We are all born into this world
belonging—accepted by God who has reconciled himself to humanity in and through the incarnate Son of God, Jesus Christ. It's our commitment as the Body of Christ (the church) to help people experience the stunning truth that they truly do
belong. And so we reach out to all people.
Belonging creates and openness to
believe with a desire to grow through Lifelong Faith Formation. As a person experiences that they belong, they begin to see themselves and God in a different light. This change is a gift from the Holy Spirit—an openness to
believe we seek to nurture our faith life in many ways of Lifetime Faith Formation.
As we grow in our belief of faith, the Holy Spirit works within us, uniting us in a spiritual union with Christ so we
become the person God created to be. As you believe, the Holy Spirit will be at work uniting you is a spiritual union with Christ which will lead to your transformation from the inside out. As this occurs, you will
Become the person God created you to be in Christ. You will begin to live into the purpose and plan God had in mind when he created you. As you grow in that direction, you will discover gifts that God gives you to serve others in and through his church.
Belong, Believe, Become are 3 important words that we can all live out in our faith lives. Stewardship is a lifestyle rooted in Jesus Christ and the lifestyle we live here at St. Bruno and St. Paul faith communities.