Since COVID began we have had an increase in the number of parishioners taking communion to the homebound and we applaud everyone for helping with this ministry. Being able to receive the Eucharist when we are incapable of being in Church or when we have health issues brings joy and community to all involved. There are, however, rules we must follow when distributing the Eucharist outside of Mass. I ask that all who participate in this ministry follow the Church procedures so we do not violate Church law.
First, please request from the parish or purchase an approved pyx that either a deacon or a priest can bless for you (required). Be sure you take the Eucharist directly to the recipients as soon as possible after leaving the Church and do not leave the Eucharist outside of your possession at any time. When you carry the Eucharist please be reverent and do not engage in any activity that would be inappropriate or disrespectful. Please clean and consume all fragments of the Eucharist within the pyx immediately after communion has been delivered and remember never can you take the Eucharist overnight.
When giving communion, please recognize you are providing a very important ministry. Be considerate and respectful to all you with whom you come in contact. And lastly, begin with prayer and end with prayer as you deliver communion to the homebound.
We are grateful for your service as ministers of the Church to our separated sisters and brothers in our community. Remember they are always in our prayers and in our hearts until we can all meet again in person.
Thank you,
Deacon Joe Senglaub