St. Bruno Parish School Inspires Academic Excellence and Instills Catholic Values within a Faith-Filled Community and beyond.
Reasons to Consider St. Bruno Parish School
St. Bruno Parish School is a partnership with the Parish. The Pastoral Staff and School Staff work together to provide a Catholic education for all children in the Parish and community.
As the school embarks on the future, we are guided by God’s light as we continue to grow and teach as Jesus taught us. If you would like more information about the St. Bruno Parish School, call the School Office at (262) 965-2291.
The students of St. Bruno Parish School are engaged in an active learning environment.
Reading is taught as a literature-based program using phonics and multiple approaches to develop strong reading comprehension, word attack skills, and literature appreciation.
Both science and math are based on a hands-on curriculum supported by textbooks. Transitional math, pre-algebra, and algebra are included within our mathematics program.
Writing and grammar are emphasized in language arts. Other classes include penmanship, religion, social studies, and spelling. Teachers specializing in those areas teach art, music, physical education, and technology classes.
Our students in grades six through eight rotate to teachers who are subject specialists.
Student performance is evaluated through local assessments, textbook tests, informal observations, and standardized testing including the Iowa Tests of Basic Skills.
The curriculum at St. Bruno Parish School is based on the educational standards of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, which are aligned with standards set by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.