Looking for some Lenten (or any time) resources?
Amen App
Hallow App from Augustine Institute
Pray as You Go App
Laudete App
DAILY reflections to your inbox
Bible in a Year https://ascensionpress.com/pages/biy-registration
Catechism in a Year https://ascensionpress.com/pages/catechisminayear?
Dynamic Catholic https://www.dynamiccatholic.com/daily-reflections.html
Jesuit prayer https://jesuitprayer.org/sign-up-to-receive-your-prayers-to-your-in-box/
Blessed is She https://blessedisshe.net/blogs/devotions/
3 Minute Retreat https://www.loyolapress.com/3-minute-retreats-daily-online-prayer/?
Holy is His Name, Journey Through Scripture (Dr Scott Hahn) https://stpaulcenter.com/
Fun, informative facts in bite sized pieces https://www.catholiccompany.com/getfed/
Readings of the Day https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-reading
Bishop Robert Barron https://dailycatholicgospel.com/sign-up-daily-gospel
Creighton University https://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/daily.html
Grow closer to God through the beauty of ART and the GOSPEL https://christian.art/
Formed.org – daily plus so much more, see bulletin for login instructions
How to pray the Rosary:
How to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet:
Liturgy of the Hours Prayer
Traditional Catholic Prayers
Catholic Prayers
Abiding Together https://www.loyolapress.com/3-minute-retreats-daily-online-prayer/?
(So many!) https://media.ascensionpress.com/category/ascension-podcasts/
(So many!) https://weare.franciscan.university/lent/?
PRINT options
Magnificat (https://us.magnificat.net/. You can also order digital subscription
Living Faith (https://www.livingfaith.com/)
Every Sacred Sunday (https://everysacredsunday.com/) Also on Instagram
Exploring Sunday Readings (www.exploringtheSundayreadings.com)
The Word Among Us (https://wau.org/subscribe/) web edition included for free
Workbook for lectors (https://ltp.org/), informative background to the readings
Forgive Everyone Everything Lenten read-along with Loyola Press, relaxed pace that will give you time to savor the reflections by Gregory Boyle, SJ, and art by Fabian Debora.
Ascension Lenten Companion https://ascensionpress.com/collections/the-ascension-lenten-companion?
Holy Moments by Matthew Kelly, available at the parish while supplies last
Return by Fr. John Burns https://www.avemariapress.com/authors/john-burns
IN PERSON options
Men of Christ March 11, 2023 https://stbrunoparish.com/events/men-of-christ-conference-2023
Weekend retreat at Redemptorist Retreat Center, Oconomowoc: https://www.redemptoristretreat.org/
Healing the Whole Person Woman’s Retreat https://www.archmil.org/Healing-the-Whole-Person (virtual option available)