The Stewardship Committee is one of the five standing committees of the Pastoral Council. The purpose of the Stewardship Committee is to collaborate with the parish at large in the annual assessment of parishioner time, talent and treasure. One of the primary roles of the committee is the welcoming of new parishioners and promoting fellowship in our community (i.e. Parish Picnic, Chili Dinner Golf Outing, Easter Egg Hunt).
Another principal activity is the planning, coordination and evaluation of an annual stewardship renewal directed at obtaining commitment from parishioners with regard to each category of stewardship. The committee is responsible for working with the leaders of each of the parish’s organizations, committees and activities to facilitate the matching of volunteers to the current needs in the parish. Volunteer opportunities include: Assist with welcoming new parishioners, reaching out to existing parishioners, GEM weekends and help with various events listed above.
Chairperson: John Hoffman